call for papers: women & the silent screen viii, pittsburgh, september 17-19, 2015


Women, Labor, and Working-Class Cultures

First call for papers

The University of Pittsburgh proudly hosts the eighth international meeting of Women and the Silent Screen (WSS VIII), September 17-19, 2015. WSS is dedicated to advancing film historical and theoretical scholarship about the thousands of women who worked “behind the camera” in international cinema during the silent era. We invite participants to submit proposals for conference presentations. Proposals for twenty-minute presentations must include the title of the presentation, a 200- to 300-word abstract, and a brief autobiographical statement by the author(s). The theme of WSS VIII is “Women, Labor, and Working-Class Cultures” broadly defined, but we also seek research on any aspect of women’s involvement with silent cinema. Proposals might address but are not limited to the following areas: the conditions of women’s labor in the global film industry; the cinema of reform; eugenics; racial privilege; censorship and regulation; scandal; gender and industrial authorship; women and corporate management; cinema and the fashioning of taste; below-the-line labor; women, unions, and craft guilds; post-production work; cinema and segregation, black cinema; women writing for and about the cinema; exchange operations, exhibitors and projectionists; social class and historiography; the poor; locality, ethnicity, and diaspora.

Proposals should be submitted to before the January 5, 2015 deadline. Participants should hear from the selection committee by the end of March. Further information and details about WSS VIII are forthcoming.

WSS VIII Call for Papers


2nd call for papers & keynotes: women & the silent screen viii, pittsburgh, september 17-19, 2015


call for papers: screening the past special dossier, melbourne wss vii