Join Our Membership
Welcome to Women and Film History International!
WFHI is an international organization that connects and sustains a community of scholars, archivists, librarians, critics, programmers, students, and others interested in the history of women and early cinema. We are a self-supporting, self-governing, non-profit organization.
Membership benefits
Membership of WFHI grants exclusive access to voting meetings and opportunities to connect to our network of scholars. Membership is required to participate in the Women and the Silent Screen conferences, held biennially.
Membership dues are used to secure matching funding for the biennial conferences, and WFHI funds may also be distributed for purposes related to supporting the activities of our membership, such as conference registration subsidies and travel stipends.
WFHI is a registered South Carolina nonprofit corporation with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status in the United States.
How to join
WFHI has four levels of membership:
Regular. $90 USD For 24 months.
Standard individual membership.Unwaged/Students. $60 USD for 24 months.
Reduced individual membership for unwaged or precariously employed members, and those with a significant foreign exchange disadvantage.Angel. $180 or more, for 24 months.
Extra special membership for those who have the means and wish to support WFHI with a larger donation; to be recognized on our website and in future conference programs, and revered by our membership.Institutional. $250 USD for 24 months.
Institutional membership for organizations such as universities and archives; to be recognized on our website and in future conference programs, and revered by our membership; permits one institutional staff member to register for a conference at the Regular membership rate.
Membership period
Discounted rates apply during Early Bird registration for Women and the Silent Screen. Members may join at any point in the two year cycle, but the membership period expires on the same date, regardless.
The current dues period runs from 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2026.
How to pay your membership dues
SELECT your membership option and amount above, then
CLICK on the Add To Cart button to pay your dues.
Thank you to Our Current institutional And Angel Members!
Michelle Facey
RobERt Byrne
If you have any difficulty paying your dues, please get in touch: wfhi.treasurer@gmail.com