wfhi business meeting 2019
All members of WFHI are entitled to participate in and vote at the biennial WFHI business meeting. If you haven’t joined WFHI yet, please click here to join us now (!
This year the biennial WFHI business meeting is scheduled for May 28th 9-10am (CEST) at EYE Filmmuseum, Amsterdam. The meeting will be held in the Room at the Top.
The agenda will include the election of officers to the WFHI Steering Committee for 2019-21, discussion of bylaw changes related to our incorporation as a nonprofit, reports of current officers, and other matters of great interest!
For members unable to attend in person, we have set up a Zoom meeting which will also be recorded.
For more information, including the Zoom meeting link and how to participate and vote asynchronously (if you’re not able to log in live to the meeting), please read the message to the listserv or the most recent Facebook notice.
If you have any questions please get in touch with Susan Potter (President, susan.potter at or Minette Hillyer (Steering Committee Chair, Future President, minette.hillyer at