open information session – extended deadline

Dear WFHI members,

The ratification of the bylaws, and the move to becoming a dues-collecting organization, no doubt raises questions for many of us. While Pordenone has provided an opportunity for WFHI members to meet in the past, this year very few of the Steering Committee members are able to make it.

Instead, we have set up this post and invite you to leave a reply with any questions or comments that you may have at this Google Excel spreadsheet:

Due to some issues with posting to the website, this information session will be open for an extended period until Tuesday, October 30. We will endeavor to respond to queries within 48 hours.

The decision to become a dues collecting organisation was taken by the membership at the last business meeting, in Shanghai, 2017. At that point, the steering committee took up the work of implementation, in which changes to our by-laws and the appointment of a Treasurer to the steering committee are included. The amount at which dues will be set and the manner in which they’ll be collected is still to be determined, and we expect that our new Treasurer will play a role in this. However, the steering committee is conscious of the need for WFHI and the WSS conferences to remain accessible to a diverse group of scholars, including those on low incomes and/or without institutional funding. Consequently, we’re considering funding models which aim to safeguard access for our whole community, and would value your suggestions about how best to achieve this.

Best wishes,
Minette Hillyer, Chair, Steering Committee
Susan Potter, President


sisters! 2019 conference proposal extension & keynote announcement


open information session