joining wfhi

As we continue to refine this site and to make it useful to the members of Women and Film History International and to everyone who is interested in knowing more about all the ways women have helped to build film industries worldwide, we need your help to make sure the site works AND to increase the resources we can offer people who want to learn more.

Even if you have already, and often, signed up on WFHI membership lists, please go to the ” Directory, ” click “Join WFHI,” add your information, and let me know if this feature works for you in its present form.

Margo Harkin, a film-maker based in Derry, Northern Ireland, is shown in two photographs in our revolving parade: both images were taken while she was shooting the documentary Bloody Sunday, A Derry Diary (Besom Productions, 2007). When I asked for permission to use these pictures, Margo wrote she was “… glad to be of help.  You are making me part of the record.” If you can, please also add to the Directory of “Film-makers and Distributions” & “Organizations,” and to the “Resources” pages. Let’s keep this record growing.

To find out who the other lovely ladies of film are simply click on her picture. You can also go to “About” and select “Photo Credits.” If you have high resolution images we add to the rotation, please send them to me.


international resources


welcome to the website-raising party!